February 2021: Africa: The PBF Humanistic approach to Charity

The PBF Humanistic approach to Charity

Reaching out to the very needy by avoiding complicated bureaucracy.

PBF has deliberately adopted an easier and more human approach to reach out to people through people!

We try our best to reach out those who need our support by opening our communication channels to them so that they can reach out to us with their personal stories and circumstances . Through these stories we try our best to verify these stories and circumstances through neighbors, witnesses, community leaders or even general news in the public domain. This has been only possible through the various social media and digital platforms that have opened a whole world of possibilities.

We are however aware of the gaps and misuse of these channels but we are convinced that reaching out to these forgoten people is worth the risk.

Our Project director through his training, experience and cultural competence does the background check and advices on the easiest and most uncomplicated way to address each situation. Through this we are currently supporting some very gifted young people and students from countries, regions and cultures that we would never reach under the normal Charity bureaucracies.

Hassan Sanyang
Hassan reached out to us having read our work through our website. He comminicated to us first through text messages and emails. We listened to him, did our possible background check on the authenticity of his story and circumstances.

He is a 26 year old who dropped out of high school to take care of younger siblings having lost both his parents in a small village in Gambia.

Instead of sending him money as he wished for, we agreed with him and supported him to start a fruit selling business in a small roadside kiosk in their local shopping center.


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