The construction of the Memorial Clinic in Lalibela started in July with the cooperation of Tomas from Switzerland
Tomas Hostettler spends his one-month vacation in Ethiopia, especially in Lalibela. Day by day he is involved in the construction of our projects, because his desire is to be close to the people. In July, after many administrative clarifications, the construction of the clinic could begin. It is called PBF-Memorial Clinic, because it should remind today and in the future of the valuable activity of PBF in Lalibela, a commitment that has already lasted 17 years with quiet, modest and sometimes with obvious success. This project is a personal initiative of three health professionals from Lalibela. The foundation stone was laid in January 2023. The project, the construction program and many other administrative things had to be approved by the authorities. It was a matter of urgency, effectiveness, and sustainability of this clinic.
The target group is primarily the basic care of the poor rural population, who cannot afford a private or public hospital. People from near and far are to receive qualified health services – embedded in Ethiopia’s own great tradition and culture.
Video #1 <klick here>
Video #2 <klick here>