Dan Amolo and PBF

Dan Amolo and PBF

My name is Dan Amolo.I met Peter at Rosa Mystica Guest House in Nairobi in 2004.He was a guest there but I was a Street Children Workshop attendant. I introduced myself to Peter as an Artist!I was not sure of what he expected to hear from the skinny enthusiastic ,energetic and open minded person I was. My assumption was that he was just another tourist or even a Missionary.I was at that time working with the Benedictine Fathers of Nairobi where I was Street Social Worker whose main activity was to entice, interest and recruit Street Children in the streets of Mathare Slums which is actually the second largest slum in Nairobi.

Peter asked me to tell him more of what I do in my daily work. I gave him a casual description of my work hoping to dis interest him! He was keen to listen to me surprisingly! This was very unlike my bosses the Missionaries and the clergy who never cared to take time to listen to the daily work that I did in the streets.
Peter gave me his Card so that we could continue to share my experiences. I was really humbled by this. After he left the country we continued to talk through email. I told him about my simple village background and how I had to drop out of school after passing my examinations to join high school for for lack of money.I told him how I had to repeat the last class in Primary school 3 times until a well wisher helped me to fill a Sponsorship form which enabled me join a prestigious National High School where I got support from Save the Children Fund and Inner Wheel Club Denmark.I told Peter about my larg family,3 mothers and a father where I was the last born of 18 siblings. I told Peter how I ended up in Mathare slums after high school, how I sold Second hand clothes and shoes in the Streets of Nairobi, how I worked as a bus conductor and later how I sold illegal brew to sustain myself in the University of Nairobi where I studied to be a teacher.

I shared with Peter how difficult it was to secure a job in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa if you did not belong to the correct family or tribe.I told Peter,that I knew my fate and I decided to volunteer with my local Church in Nairobi to start the Street Children Rehabilitation.

The patience of Peter to my horrific personal stories and the horrid situations in my work was remarkable. Peter encouraged me to continue my service for the poor of the poor. He told me not to let go despite the trouble I often had with my employers.

Masters in African Studies
Peter advised me to take part time classes as I continued my Streetwork.He oofered to pay my fees and support my allowance.When I told my employers that I had an opportunity to continue my education,they threatened to sack me.I had to work full time or quit.I was ready to quit but Peter told me to continue my street work even if they sacked me.I started my MA studies and I would soon be dismissed by my employers.
Peter engaged me in PBF activities and individual support projects. As I studied I continued to follow up the Street boys who had rejoined schools. I used my personal allowances to support several boys to stay in school.I informed Peter who also encouraged me to do this voluntary work. From my African upbringing in the village,I have to admit that I have not been the best in record keeping and proposal as well as report writing.Most of the work I have done with PBF support have been situation and emotional motivated emergencies! Peter has always given me this leeway and several deserving cases have benefited eventually.

Mathare Children and PBF
Through my friendship with Peter and the continued support, I have helped a total of 46 students to pursue Primary,Secondary,College and University Education with funds from PBF.Additionally,I support 15 orphans from the funds that I get from Peter and in return I am always available to run any errand for PBF.

Goat Project Bondo
The PBF has supported the Goat Breeding Site I set up with a group of Germ Scouts in my Village.This Project cross breeds local goats with Pure Dairy Goats to produce more milk to improve the diet of Orphaned Children living with Grand Parents of well wishers.

Uji Uji
From my experience as pupil in the village school,I shared with Peter the horror of pangs of hunger that drive most children from village poor households to drop out of School.PBF funds a porridge ..Uji feeding Progran in 4 village Schools in Nyanza.This keeps Children in School and improves their concentration in their studies.

One of the Beneficiaries of PBF orphan and School Support,George Orimba has teamed up with Samuel Orioro also a beneficiary of PBF to motivate young boys and girls in the Slums of Mathare through Sports.Dr.Peter,collects Tricots and used Footballs and sends them to Mathare to these children who are very thankful to play together and share their life without the risk of getting into wrong company in the crime infested slums.
George and Samuel have founded a Community Based Organisation called One World Network to run the Street sports with funding from PBF.

Dan Amolo and PBF
As a Beneficiary and a friend of PBF who has and continues to benefit personally and helped others through PBF,I Dan continues to serve the foundation by helping Dr.Peter with project analysis and supervision from the inside perspective. I currently represent the Kenyan and Ethiopian desk in the PBF Trusteeship.

I appreciate PBF.
Ahsante Sana

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