November 2024: Sri Lanka: Support for Anthony Kumar

SRI LANKA: PBF Support for Anthony Kumar: His Transformation from Handicapped Fisherman to Guest House Owner

Anthony Kumar is handicapped due to the polio virus and lives in Negombo Beach, Sri Lanka. He met Dr. Peter first in 1996 at the beachside of Negombo. Dr. Peter met him at the beach, as he felt hopelessness. It seems that God has arranged their meeting to change Anthony’s life.

PBF has understood his situation in addition to his disabilities. Then he got funds to purchase a three-wheeled car (Tuk Tuk) and meet his financial and living requirements. However, it was very difficult to get a driving license for a handicapped person. He recalls the situation and how disabled people are often neglected. Finally, he got a handicapped license after lots of trouble and continued his living with a taxi job.

In 2000, he got married, and several challenges also came. His wife lost their infant three times. It was very hard to accept this bad feeling in addition to his personal limitations. Nevertheless, he remains resilient and, hopefully, overcomes all of these issues.

After overcoming natural obstacles, he welcomed his first son and named him Shane Peter in recognition of PBF’s contributions. His daughter Danila also then came into the world, bringing even more joy and love to their family.

Despite the challenges they faced, they continued to support each other and find happiness in their growing family. In order to save the family’s property on Negombo’s beachside, PBF also covered the family’s bank loan. Furthermore, PBF continues to provide support in the operation of his modest guest house at his family residence, which is available for people in need of affordable accommodations.

He said by his words about the guest house, “I was a neglected, hopeless youngster. God sends Dr. Peter and picks me up from the street. I got married and am getting kids like the other people. God gave me such blessings and grace. Therefore, I named this house Grace’s homestay.”

Here is the link to locations in Google Maps.

He and his entire family are very grateful for the support.

Getachew Sale, PBF coordinator


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