January 2018: Kenia: Report 2017 of ONE WORLD NETWORK

REPORT 2017 ONE WORLD NETWORK; by George Orimba

We thank our dear Dr. Peter Bachmann, for the continuous support he has given us over the years since He started supporting us many years ago. Dr. Peter you are our father and we really appreciate you being here in our lives.

This year has been a good and a bad year for us here in Mathare and Mbuye, due to political tension in the country, but we kept on with our daily activities, our page vision girls have won the MYSA CHAMPION LEAGUE for three times this year, this we give credit to one of our brothers Paul who is a teacher in the school and also a football coach who made them reach position one in the tournament. We also thank our dear Dr. Peter and Dan for always supporting our sports activities by giving us tricots and shoes for our brothers and sisters here in mathare.

The uji feeding program we always have monthly has helped a lot of children who used to go to school without having breakfast or any meal day time to get uji in the school; this has increased the population of children in the schools supported by Dr.Peter in Mbuye village that is Olago Primary and Serawongo Primary, the children are performing better than they used too when there was not uji (porridge) The children are happy and appreciate this support and they hope the uji uji support will continue.

The support we get on reusable sanitary pads really helps our sisters here in Mathare, over this year 106 girls who cannot afford a sanitary pad here in mathare have benefited positively through this support, most schools now girls don’t miss classes whenever they have their menstrual periods, thank you our dear Father Peter and on behalf of the girls we hope the support will continue.

In Mbuye we have 3 brick production machines which our youths use to produce bricks and get low income which is changing their lives. From the income they get by producing the brick, they are able now days to take care of their families. Now we have 2 women and 6 men who make bricks and train other youths in the community on how to produce a brick. This brick making project is transforming the community in Mbuye as you find most of the youths who used to be idle have now something to rely on and those who used to be fishermen before the lake shore was closed, now have a job to depend on at the Brick Site. Thank you Dr. Peter and PBF family for giving us the  3 machines. The challenge we face is marketing our bricks, we proposed for a support to get a land in Bondo Town where we can store and sell our bricks, since Bondo is an urban area, and a lot of activities are involved there.

This year we received support on the Water Pump/borehole from our Dear Vic Eugster, the water pump is helping the community in Mbuye. People who used to walk for 10 km to look for water now can access water through the water borehole we have in Mbuye village. They use that water for cooking, drinking, bathing, washing their clothes and farming. Thank you Mr. Vic and Dr. Peter for this support, we hope we will get another water pump to serve also the people who are 7 km away from the current water bore hole.

We thank our PBF family and friends for the continuous support  they give us on paying school fees for the bright brothers and sisters who cannot afford the, this year we have two student who have now graduated from High school and they await to join university.

I myself this year got an opportunity to visit Ethiopia: Lalibela, Gashena, Addis and Durame; I was humble and happy to join Dr. Peter and PBF in the filming of the PBF projects in Ethiopia. I learnt a lot and also participated in the filming by taking photos. I thank you Dr. Peter for that opportunity and I wish for more opportunities.

Report by
George Orimba

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